Saturday, 8 May 2010

Update #3 - Aristotels

My tummy hurted again on Thursday, so mum took me back to the vets office. I was really scared! [mums comment: And me too, the vet told me that if he wasn't better the next day they wanted to open him to see if something was blocking his gut].

When we came home mum gave me something and afterwards it didn't hurt that much, she also forced me into drinking water. I CAN drink myself you know! I also had to start to take paraffin again.

But now I'm feeling better, and mum have even given me some outside plants and a little branch I can chew on.

The really sad thing is that she have taken my cardboard boxes and laid a blanket over them in such a way that I can't play with them. Se says it's from my own good, but I really want to play with them...

I'm a a lion hear me roar! (relaxing under the desk)

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