Saturday 17 October 2009

It's a girl!

Today I found Rosa (Grammostola rosea RCF) together with a shed skin, and this time the cast exoskelleton was whole and undamaged. I checked it and found out that my little (which actually isn't that small any more) juvenile is a girl :)

Rosa is related to Powerpuff (older sister) and Kleopatra. And she and Kleopatra is from the same eggsac and since they are about the same since and always have molted with just some days or hours between I cross my fingers and hope that Kleopatra is a girl too.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Powerpuff (G. rosea) molted today ^^

I found her like this when I woke up:

Laying on her back wiggling her legs to get out of her old exoskeleton:

And after a couple of hour I could spot her coming out of her old clothes:

And little by little I could see more and more:

Until she just had some of her joints in the old exoskeleton:

Just a little more...

And there! Finally!

And little by little she became darker and darker as the new exoskeleton hardened (look at the reed on her new teeth)

Her old clothes were you can easily see that she's a female

The thing you see here is the sucking stomach and oesophagus:

Unfortunately she turned over on her legs after again after sunset, so it was to dark for photographing.

And then a little video of Aristoteles, who was really displeased with the positioning of the camera:

Thursday 8 October 2009

Funny hay thingy

Mummy made a hay toy thingy for me today, and it's really funny to play with ^^

After a while I found out that this was the perfect way place it:

I tell you; the hay in this thing tastes way better than the hay I get in my cage!