Saturday 21 March 2009


I have now dug up Chiisai (Cyriocosmus elegans) from it's terrarium for the second time in a about half a year. Since I have not seen it in a long time, and since I was afraid that it maybe had got it's borrow in the head like last time when I dug it up. And like last time that was the case. I dug it up, and thought it was dead, and then it started to move so it's still alive.

It seemed very sluggish, but had a big abdomen (seems like it's going to molt soon ^^) so it seems like Chiisai is still fine even if it's haven't eaten in about two months or more. After placing it back in the terrarium it used it's time but dug a new burrow in about 5 minutes. I'm wondering how it's able to get it's borrow in it's head, since the substrate always is very moist.

Since I feel that I have stressed my little baby enough today I think I will feed it after a couple of days, and see if it's wants a little meal then.

Unfortunately I didn't have batteries in none of my cameras, so the only picture I got of Chiisai this time is a crappy mobile photo:

By the way I fed all the other tarantulas today. Rosa (Grammostola rosea RCF) was the only one to throw itself over it's meal as usual. And it seems like little Strawberry (Brachypelma sp.) is going to molt soon to ^^

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Outside in the sun

Since I got my new harness today, and since it was nice weather outside today, me and mum were outside in the garden.

This is the fist time I'm outside this year. Except from the terrible day when I was outside in the terrible so-called snow... But that doesn't count!

Sorry for the terrible picture and video quality, but mum used her mobile phone camera.

Me sniffing at some interesting leaves on the ground:

Had to clean myself a lot since it was really wet outside:

"What are you looking at?"


"What's this?"

Bunny in the wind:

Yummy grass:

Video of me playing outside in the garden:

Thursday 5 March 2009


I'm a music loving bunny, and I especially like rock and some metal. My favorite band is Guns N' Roses I think. And I also like Disturbed very well. I also like Slipknot which mum says she is finished with so I only listen to them when I'm home alone.

You see mum have made a profile and music library for me on a page called (my username is AristotelesII), and when I'm home alone I listen to this music. And it consists only of music I like (mum likes some classical and tai chi music which I hate, why can't she listen to that when she's not home?!)

Mum can tell which music I like since I relaxes, makes happy jumps and sometimes rolls over and lies down to just listen when I hear music I like, and since I get stressed, run under the bed or "thumps" with my hidden leg when I hear music that I don't like (like Christmas music...). So you can say that I are kind of picky when it comes to which music I listen to. Only the best is good enough for me.

Today mum brought a new Disturbed CD home; so right now I'm lying on my carpet with my ears towards the computer and is just listening to the music.

Me and our new Disturbed CD: