Saturday 17 October 2009

It's a girl!

Today I found Rosa (Grammostola rosea RCF) together with a shed skin, and this time the cast exoskelleton was whole and undamaged. I checked it and found out that my little (which actually isn't that small any more) juvenile is a girl :)

Rosa is related to Powerpuff (older sister) and Kleopatra. And she and Kleopatra is from the same eggsac and since they are about the same since and always have molted with just some days or hours between I cross my fingers and hope that Kleopatra is a girl too.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Powerpuff (G. rosea) molted today ^^

I found her like this when I woke up:

Laying on her back wiggling her legs to get out of her old exoskeleton:

And after a couple of hour I could spot her coming out of her old clothes:

And little by little I could see more and more:

Until she just had some of her joints in the old exoskeleton:

Just a little more...

And there! Finally!

And little by little she became darker and darker as the new exoskeleton hardened (look at the reed on her new teeth)

Her old clothes were you can easily see that she's a female

The thing you see here is the sucking stomach and oesophagus:

Unfortunately she turned over on her legs after again after sunset, so it was to dark for photographing.

And then a little video of Aristoteles, who was really displeased with the positioning of the camera:

Thursday 8 October 2009

Funny hay thingy

Mummy made a hay toy thingy for me today, and it's really funny to play with ^^

After a while I found out that this was the perfect way place it:

I tell you; the hay in this thing tastes way better than the hay I get in my cage!

Thursday 10 September 2009


This was a long entry (on about two pages) but blogger deleted it and I don't want to write everything again....

I was the vet yesterday and fixed my teeth, and now I have almost fully recovered after the anaesthesia. Mum was really stressed before this since I got really bad after last time, so she talked to the vet and they have given me stuff to try to help me to get well faster. I eat by myself today, which is much faster then last time were mum had to feed me for a week.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Faint is dead

Today HugeSpider found Faint (Pandinus imperator) dead in her terrarium....

HugeSpider have watched her for me for a while, and she haven't eaten and the terrarium has been a little to dry lately. But she was a old lady so she probably died from age...

Faint was my first tropical arachnid and I bought her in Bergen the 15th of August 2005. And like every other arachnid you buy in a pet store in Norway she was probably captured in the wild (so don't buy from arachnids from pet stores!). When I brought her home to Drammen the first thing I did was to tell my mum, one day later she came to me and asked: "The scorpion isn't real is it?"

Some days later she escaped from the terrarium and when I found her and tried to get her up in a box she singed my thumb 3-4 times in row (I still got a scar as a memory of that).

One year I was afraid for her to die since she wouldn't eat (she just ate two crickets and one cockroach and one locust I think), but after a while her appetite came back (video).

And the last year she has accomplished to eat HugeSpiders Pandinus imperator male and been handled by a woman on a exhibition (the second time she was handled in my care and the only one without gloves) without stinging.

She has been a lovely girl full of attitude and I'm going to miss her...

Rest in peace my little girl

Wednesday 15 July 2009

A little trip to the forest

Today me, mummy and aunty was on a little trip in the forest.

I have been on many trips to the forest with mum this summer and it's really fun.

So all you bunnies out there, tell your mums and dads to take you on a little trip to the forest (or the park if you live in the city) ^^

My Birthday!

I know it's really a while ago, but mum hasn't had time (or the right programs) to make the video before today

So this is something of the things that happened on the day I turned 1 year :)

Friday 12 June 2009

The day before tomorrw

Since we were going on a trip on my actually birthday (13th of June) I got my present today!

It's a little bit scary but still a little bit fun :)

Mum will upload a video of my actual birthday some day soon (maybe not tomorrow because of the trip).

Monday 1 June 2009

Molt x2

Both Kleopatra and Rosa (Both are Grammostola rosea RCF) has molted the night to today :)

Their cast skins was damaged so I was unable to sex them properly but it seems like they both are males but I wouldn't know for sure until their next molt.

The fun part of this is that they are siblings from the same egg sack so it was really fun that the couse to molt on the same night. This is actually not the first time they have molted almost the same, but regularly Rosa molts 2-3 days after Kleopatra. And regularly Powerpuff who is their older sister (same mum) seems to molt at the same time as those two in the spring. So it shall be exiting to hear (she lives with HugeSpider) if she has molted or is molting in some days from now ^^

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Me and some of my toys ^^

Sunday 24 May 2009

Peaches rules!

Friday 22 May 2009


Mum is home again!
I had to make some happy nods with my head (I also did some happy runing) when I saw that it was her that come in the door this evening!
Mum smiled and said that I was really cute and then we cuddled for a little while.

Balto was also happy to see mum, he wanted to be picked up. And both me and him were given some sunflower seeds ^^

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Home alone

Mum is going for a field trip today and is going to be away until Friday. So a neighbour of us is going to watch me and Balto while she is away (the eight legged siblings of ours is just going to live their normal life and are not going to be watched). Well if you can say that we are watched over; he's just going to come and feed us and give us fresh water two times a day, so basically we are going to be home alone. Mum says that she don't want to leave us but that she have to, but I think it's just going to be fine (as long as the neighbour not are going to pet me or anything).

Sunday 17 May 2009

Hurra for 17. mai!

Today it's Norway's national day! And as you all can see I have dressed up with this beautiful ribbon with the colours from Norway's flag.

Mum still doesn't get why I feel some pretty with ribbons, but as I have said before I'm named after a great philosopher so I like to look nice.

And since it's Norway's national day, here's a link to the national anthem: Ja Vi Elsker

Wednesday 13 May 2009


I'm feeling lot better today!
So since I feel better I woke up mum today as I regulary do with licking her in the face.

I have also eaten some pellets today. Almost half of my daily portion actually ^^

I ate some hay yesterday evening to.

So here are some pictures of me waking mum this morning. Yeah I know they aren't that pretty. But remember that they are taken right after I woke mum.

Right now I'm sitting under my bed and washes myself (I just got my morning antibiotics). Mum says that we are going to sit outside in the garden today so that I can try to eat some tasty grass. That way I can play to, if I feel well enough to do so.

The vet called back yesterday by the way and said that if I'm not eating by tomorrow mum have to call them again. But I'm going to show them! I'm going to eat as I normally do tomorrow so I don't have to go back to the vet!

Tuesday 12 May 2009

I'm not feeling well...

Yesterday evening I was feeling very well so I was allowed to sleep in mums bed:

But after a while I decided that I wanted to sleep on my regular spot instead:

Me this morning:

And this is me now:

I don't feel well at all... I don't want to either eat or drink myself so mum is feeding me with Critical Care and water...

Mum has called the vet and she his going to call her back around 15:00.

Monday 11 May 2009


So I was by the vet today (AGAIN!) and this time mum leaved me alone! They gave me a shot and then I became very tired and fall to sleep.

When I woke mum was still not there and I felt terrible and wasn't able to walk on my feet. After a while when I was able to walk again and then she took me home again. And now she are going to give me some Critical Care since I don't want to eat any hay, herbs or pellets...

How could she do this against me?

Mum feels sorry for me, but it still was she that took me to the vet...

How could you leave me here alone with this people?! (Me when mum picket me up at the vet)

Me in my transport cage on the bus on the way home:

And here is me now. I'm really tired and just want to sleep...

Sunday 10 May 2009

Vet tommorow

I have just got my medicine for the evening; antibiotics and Fibreplex. And mum says that this is the last time I have to take Fibreplex but I have to take the antibiotics and painkillers for some more days... But I feel better now, and I don't think it's the medicine although mum tries to get me to think that!

After taken my medicine mum placed me on the bed (I take my medication in the bathroom) and gave me two papayatablets and some herbs as a price. Right now I'm still playing in mums bed. I have even done some happy bounces! And I'm diging a lot behind the reed pillow on the bed.

You can't see me!

Anyway I'm going to the vet again tomorrow to fix my teeth.

And by the way: I have eaten some hay today :)


Balto is eating food in his cage new cage that he got from his youngest aunt (Tusen takk!). The picture was taken right after he moved to Bergen after living with Hamsterguardian for a while. I thank you a lot for watching after him for all this time!

Aristoteles and Balto

Vet again!

Yesterday I was by the vet again since it hurtled in my mouth too. This time we went to the other vet and they found out that I had teeth was sharp teeth in addition to my tummy problems. So after been there I got three kinds of medicine:

Antibiotics for my fever (2 times a day for 8 days)
Painkillers for my hurting tummy and teeth (1 time a day for 7 days)
Fibreplex for my tummy (3 times a day for 2 days)

So you can say that I'm kind of angry at mum now. I hate those things that I have to put I'n my mouth to take the antibiotics and Fibreplex. Yesterday mum gave me Fibreplex and painkillers in some herbal leaves but today when I found out I refused to eat the Fibreplex infected herbs so mum had to give me that in the mouth to in addition to the antibiotics. Why cant all kinds of medicine taste like papaya tablets!? Stupid veterinarian and mum...

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Air in the system

I haven't felt so well the last couple of days. Two nights ago I woke up and my tummy hurted so much that I had to thump with my hid leg lots of times. Mum lifted me up in the bed and tried to calm me down, but it didn't help.

Since my tummy have pained me so much I haven't been so enthusiastic when it was feeding time these two days. For short I have hidden myself under the bed most of the time.

So today mum placed me in my transporter cage and then we took the bus to the vet and they found out that I had air in my digestive system. The vet gave me some medicine and then we could go home.

I didn't like the vet at all and so did mum: Se lifted me after my fur in my neck and mum said that she wasn't allowed to do that with me, she tried to say that it didn't hurt me but mum said that she weren't allowed to do that with me under any circumstances. So mum held me instead while the vet were checking my tummy. She also came with some tips that were stupid since they were not god for bad bunny tummies.

Mum have said that that is the last time I'm going to that vet and from now on we're going to another vet that is called PetVet Bergen that have more knowledge when it comes to us bunnies (and there is also possible to buy Oxbow products there), even if they are a little far away from where we live.

Anyway I'm feeling better now, and have cuddled lots with mum, but mum still says that I just will have hay to eat for some days to be sure that I will be completely well before I will get pellets again... I will still get my two daily papaya tablets though (and maybe I will get some few pellets for snack when we clicker train) :)

Friday 17 April 2009

Sun, park, bus and go

Today lots have happened! Many scary but still interesting things.

After mums lecture in Zoology today she and commoncroc (a fellow student of mum) came, and mum put my harness on me. Then she (followed by commoncroc) caried me outside. We walked longer to the spot were mum have carried me before when I took the bus for the first time. After a while the bus came and we went on, it was really scary but still I was curios (last time I was in my traveling cage but today I just sat in my harness and leash).

After a while we went of the bus and then we walked to a place were we meet eci_frog, then we walked to the park! It was really fun and we met more people including bergtatt (who always gives me yummy things and lets me do anything I want ^^).

It was really fun to be in the park again, and I got all the attention I wanted ^^

After some hours in the park mum and the others began to pack their stuff. And mum put my short leash (me long leash is over 5 meters) on and then I, mum, eci_frog and pekko (a guy mum plays go with) walked to the university (mum plays go there).

After a while eci_frog went, and I was placed on a blanket on a table. Mum said that we were going to leave soon she just had to hear when they are going to play tomorrow. Then after a while we left again, after I had said hi to all the guys mum plays with.

And then mum carried me for a long time and then we took the bus home again.

Me right after I turned on the music on bergtatt's computer (to his surprise), so here I listen to the music:

I also have to add that Balto has moved in in our apartment now after a long while with Hamsterguardian. She is going to write something about that to when she's getting better.

Thursday 2 April 2009


Before five this morning the fire alarm began to scream... I was really scary... But as mum said I behaved very well even if I was terrified... We are inside or apartment again (we were allowed to enter it again about 05:30). I'm a little more relaxed now and are lying on the floor beside the table in this very moment, looking at mum helping me write this entry.

The most scariest part was that the fire alarm screamed so loud. But when we stood outside it came two monsters that was blinking blue as well, and they were also really scary, but still not so scary as the fire alarm.

When we came inside again I was placed on the bed and was given lots of sunflower seeds because I was so well behaved and brave this morning.

I'm now going to quote the post mum wrote at this morning. I know it is in Norwegian but it is mainly for those who are close to us and they speak Norwegian (mum has not decided yet if she is going to translate it to English):
I morgen før klokken frem gikk brannalarmen her i huset vi bor i. Jeg klekke på meg i en fart og fikk etter en stund frem en livredd Aristoteles med vidåpne øyne fra under sengen. Brannalarmen er ikke akkurat noe han liker nei... På vei ut utgangsdøren begynte vi å lukte røyk.

Vel utenfor bygget møtte vi mange andre som var skikkelig irriterte for å bli vekket så tidlig. Etter en stund kom to brannbilder med blålys og røykdykkere som kom seg inn i bygget. Etter en god stund ble bygget klarert og de som bodde i den delen av blokken hvor brannen hadde oppstått og fikk beskjed om å lufte ut. Etter en stund med en gigantisk vifte for å få ut røyk fikk vi som bor i motstående blokk gå inn.

Aristoteles oppførte seg helt eksemplarisk i morges enda han var livredd og hater og bli løftet. Han kom ut fra innerst under sengen (som han hadde søkt tilflukt under på grunn av brannalarmen) uten å bli dratt ut og til min store glede slapp jeg å måtte ta ham i nakkeskinnet, men tokk ganske enkelt og la begge armene rundt ham og fikk dyttet ham ut og løftet ham opp. På vei ut av bygget gjemte han hodet under armen min ettersom lyden fra brannalarmen var kjempe høy og fæl og skremmende. Når vi kom ut gikk vi ut til noen Aristoteles har møtt før for å slippe at han skulle bli enda reddere av de som sto rundt. Han satt stille på armen min, uten å prøve å hoppe ned, med hodet opp mot halsen min med vidåpne øyne. Etter en stund roet han seg ned igjen, og ble også trøstet av en som sto utenfor som han kjenner litt fra før. Så kom brannbilene og i stedet for å prøve å stikke av fra lysene gjemte han hodet under armen min igjen. Etter en stund turde han å ta frem hodet igjen og puttet hodet opp mot halsen min igjen og slikket meg noen ganger for å trøste en mor som også ble ganske stresset av at han var det. Når vi endelig kom inn i bygget igjen satt fortsatt Aristoteles helt stille til han ble plassert på hodeputen på sengen, uten å prøve å hoppe ned med en gang vi kom inn døra, noe han pleier å gjøre etter vi har vært på tur. Han satt helt fin i senga helt til jeg la meg ned sammen med ham og ga han solsikke frø og fortalte ham hvor flink han hadde vært. Nå noen timer etter derimot sitter han under sengen igjen fortsatt litt redd, men han kom frem for å få pelleten sin som vanlig.

Heldigvis gikk det bra og heldigvis var ikke brannen i vårt bygg og heldigvis spredde den seg ikke ut av leiligheten den var i. Men likevel sitter jeg igjen med et støkk i meg noe Aristoteles tydeligvis merket ettersom han som sagt prøvde å trøste meg når vi sto ute og så opp på vinduet til et rom fylt av røyk. Hva om Aristoteles er alene hjemme når det brenner? Hva om han brenner inne mens jeg er på en forelesning? osv. Om ikke så mange timene skal jeg på forelesning igjen og jeg kjenner at jeg egentlig har mest lyst til å ta ham med. Men han skal selvsagt får være hjemme ettersom en tur til universitetet ikke er noe han trenger nå etter å ha hatt en veldig stressende start på dagen. Har i alle fall planlagt å prate med noen som bor i gangen rundt meg om at hvis jeg ikke er hjemme under brann så har de lov til å bryte seg inn i leiligheten min for å redde ut Aristoteles.

Hehe, nå kom Aristoteles ut fra under sengen og lurte på hva jeg drev med og ser rett og slett litt leken og tigger etter å få papayatablettene sine. Han ser heldigvis ikke så stresset ut lenger, det var veldig godt å se :)
A picture from Wikipedia of one of the monsters (and baby monsters that came out of it with snakes and stuff) with the blinking blue light:

But now mum are going to give me my daily papaya tablets, so I have to go.

Saturday 21 March 2009


I have now dug up Chiisai (Cyriocosmus elegans) from it's terrarium for the second time in a about half a year. Since I have not seen it in a long time, and since I was afraid that it maybe had got it's borrow in the head like last time when I dug it up. And like last time that was the case. I dug it up, and thought it was dead, and then it started to move so it's still alive.

It seemed very sluggish, but had a big abdomen (seems like it's going to molt soon ^^) so it seems like Chiisai is still fine even if it's haven't eaten in about two months or more. After placing it back in the terrarium it used it's time but dug a new burrow in about 5 minutes. I'm wondering how it's able to get it's borrow in it's head, since the substrate always is very moist.

Since I feel that I have stressed my little baby enough today I think I will feed it after a couple of days, and see if it's wants a little meal then.

Unfortunately I didn't have batteries in none of my cameras, so the only picture I got of Chiisai this time is a crappy mobile photo:

By the way I fed all the other tarantulas today. Rosa (Grammostola rosea RCF) was the only one to throw itself over it's meal as usual. And it seems like little Strawberry (Brachypelma sp.) is going to molt soon to ^^

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Outside in the sun

Since I got my new harness today, and since it was nice weather outside today, me and mum were outside in the garden.

This is the fist time I'm outside this year. Except from the terrible day when I was outside in the terrible so-called snow... But that doesn't count!

Sorry for the terrible picture and video quality, but mum used her mobile phone camera.

Me sniffing at some interesting leaves on the ground:

Had to clean myself a lot since it was really wet outside:

"What are you looking at?"


"What's this?"

Bunny in the wind:

Yummy grass:

Video of me playing outside in the garden:

Thursday 5 March 2009


I'm a music loving bunny, and I especially like rock and some metal. My favorite band is Guns N' Roses I think. And I also like Disturbed very well. I also like Slipknot which mum says she is finished with so I only listen to them when I'm home alone.

You see mum have made a profile and music library for me on a page called (my username is AristotelesII), and when I'm home alone I listen to this music. And it consists only of music I like (mum likes some classical and tai chi music which I hate, why can't she listen to that when she's not home?!)

Mum can tell which music I like since I relaxes, makes happy jumps and sometimes rolls over and lies down to just listen when I hear music I like, and since I get stressed, run under the bed or "thumps" with my hidden leg when I hear music that I don't like (like Christmas music...). So you can say that I are kind of picky when it comes to which music I listen to. Only the best is good enough for me.

Today mum brought a new Disturbed CD home; so right now I'm lying on my carpet with my ears towards the computer and is just listening to the music.

Me and our new Disturbed CD:

Thursday 26 February 2009


Today I was at VilVite senteret in Bergen for a lecture in biochemestry (MOL100) and evolution and ecology (BIO110), and as I was there my attention was drawn against their little souvenir shop with lot of different science products for children. And before I got to think I stood there with a box with Tripos sp. eggs.

After what I have fund out after loots of reading about care for these little creatures it seems like have got my hands on the species Triops longicaudatus. But I wouldn't know for sure before they hatch.

So when I came home this evening I filled a box with water and added half of the box with eggs, and after what I have read I just have to wait in 24-48 hours before I will see them swimming around.

You can read more about how to care for these creatures here:

Wednesday 18 February 2009

I love hay <3

I really love hay!
Every time mum are placing some more in my cage I run towards her to get the best bits from the haybox, and she actualy tends to give me to longest and the thickest strays chew on.

Just look:

And did you humans out there know that hay is the most important part of our bunny diet. We like it because it's high in fibre, which keeps the digestive tract moving, helping to prevent blockages and stasis. Acctulay 85-90% of what we are eating should consist of hay.

Thursday 12 February 2009


Today I was out in the snow for the first time, and it was TERRIBLE! And REALLY scary!

And were was all the tasty green grass gone?

I will newer lay a paw on that terrible frozen water again! It's unnatural! Water is a liquid not a solid!

After we came inside again I hid myself under the bed, and I haven't come out yet (except from one time when mum offered me some hay).

Wednesday 11 February 2009


I'm a working bunny. And as everyone else I like to work with interesting things. One of my jobs is to tear apart paperthingies that lies on the floor, or like I like to say it: consuming literature and important paperwork. Mum actually calls me her little shredder, I don't know what that means but I think it's related to my paperwork.

One thing I don't understand thought is that mum gets angry when I find her so-called books on the table and start to chew on them. Why get angry? Stupid mummy: You have to let me do my work without interference as it's kills my inspiration...

And as a tip to everybun out there in the big world: This kind of paperwork is really funny! So go and steal you mummies' and daddies' books, magazines, bills or other paperthingies right away!

Comment from mum: Aristoteles got this magazine to chew on to keep him away from chewing on my books (which are hidden in a place he can't reach). And don't be afraid, it's not dangerous for him to chew on since it has no metal staples and since toxic printing ink are banned here in Norway.

Friday 30 January 2009

My fancy new chewing toy!

I got this sticky thing from mum today! And it's loads of fun!

The boxes and the white thingy showed in the video are also mine ^^