After mums lecture in Zoology today she and commoncroc (a fellow student of mum) came, and mum put my harness on me. Then she (followed by commoncroc) caried me outside. We walked longer to the spot were mum have carried me before when I took the bus for the first time. After a while the bus came and we went on, it was really scary but still I was curios (last time I was in my traveling cage but today I just sat in my harness and leash).
After a while we went of the bus and then we walked to a place were we meet eci_frog, then we walked to the park! It was really fun and we met more people including bergtatt (who always gives me yummy things and lets me do anything I want ^^).
It was really fun to be in the park again, and I got all the attention I wanted ^^
After some hours in the park mum and the others began to pack their stuff. And mum put my short leash (me long leash is over 5 meters) on and then I, mum, eci_frog and pekko (a guy mum plays go with) walked to the university (mum plays go there).
After a while eci_frog went, and I was placed on a blanket on a table. Mum said that we were going to leave soon she just had to hear when they are going to play tomorrow. Then after a while we left again, after I had said hi to all the guys mum plays with.
And then mum carried me for a long time and then we took the bus home again.
Me right after I turned on the music on bergtatt's computer (to his surprise), so here I listen to the music:
I also have to add that Balto has moved in in our apartment now after a long while with Hamsterguardian. She is going to write something about that to when she's getting better.
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